South African Single Dating Community

Dating for single women looking for single men




Welcome to Single.Chat is a dating site designed to bring singles together. Our site is open to single men and women of all ages and sexual preferences who are looking for a partner.

We have an in-house moderation team that specialise in fraud prevention and the removal of fraudulent profiles. With various on-site features such as Encounters, Diary Entries, Instant Messaging and a customisable search feature we’re sure you’ll find the perfect person to make you smile again!

With a quick registration process and easy navigation, will be your go-to place to find like-minded singles nationwide!

Tips for Success

Joining an online dating site can seem to be a daunting prospect but we don’t just provide a dating service, we’ll also give you tips for success!
1 - Complete your profile The best way of generating interest in yourself is to complete your profile, you;ll also get better matches with people who can relate to you and your interests.
2 - Upload a recent photo To avoid any awkward conversations, always upload a recent photo so the person you’re speaking to can see who they are connecting with and who they will possibly be meeting.
3 - Verify your email As soon a member messages you, we;ll let you know so it’s important that we can do that by having a verified email. WThis is also the best way to receive our offers when they are available!

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